Is that just me? Oh, here's the rest of it. So, I'm snacking whenever I can find the time, and I'll drink my water when I remember to fill up my 32 oz cup I got from the hospital when I birthed {C} 2 1/2 years ago, and now it's time to move the laundry to the dryer and turn the water on for {E}, because the faucet knob sticks, so she can wash her hands after going to the bathroom for the 20th time since she woke up 2 hours ago, and I need to dig through the dishwasher for a clean cup for {C} so she can drink SOMETHING with her pop-tart that is strewn all over the apartment. Ah crap, it's already 11:00!? Hurry! Push play on my workout,"NO {C}! You can't sit on Mommy while she's in side plank, her sprained wrist will collapse and break, please go do YOUR side plank next to the rocking chair." Workout done: check. Fix {E} her sandwich to eat before school, jump in the shower, *sniff sniff* nope, I'll wash my hair tomorrow...5 minutes later, ok 10 (that was the only time I've had to myself this morning) jump out of the shower, throw on clothes, spray dry shampoo on my hair, redo the bun I've had going all week, slip on my moccasins, tie {E}'s shoes, scream at everyone to get to the car, tuck {C} under my arm like a football and book it to the car, wait at two stoplights, open the door for {E}, try to kiss her somewhere as she dashes out of the car to go see her friends, look at {C}'s sad face that {E} is gone again for 3 hours, and then sit in the driver seat for 5 seconds and catch my breath. It's 12:30.
Eventually we get home and I'm RAVENOUS. And that's where it all loop-de-loops down the toilet. Today was especially great, because I had a surprise notification on my calendar that we were feeding the missionaries in our stake. I didn't remember signing up to do that, but I must have, otherwise, how did it get in my calendar? Long story short, I made some calls, and it turns out I took my crazy pills whenever I put that appointment into the calendar, and we, in fact, were NOT feeding the missionaries tonight. Too bad I already went shopping for the occasion. Don't look at this too long, it will burn your retinas, like staring at the sun. (And yes, the irony is not lost on me, with my Shakeology in the background, taunting me and calling me weak.)
This cake will be my ruin. But if you're having company and you need a dessert, Smith's sells these lemon-pudding bundt cakes for $2.99! And they are HEAVENLY! Moist, lemony, with just the right amount of glaze...I could definitely eat the whole thing by myself. At least, for now, that amount is still left, and I haven't devoured the whole thing. Yet.
Oh, by the way, I did do the Pilates Fix; I mentioned that previously :-) Lots of mat work, my glutes are very sore, and my back will probably be feeling it tomorrow as well. I did enjoy the work out, even with the chorus of "Mom!!!!" in the background.
Back to my lack of control issues. Brandon came home and said he needed to go to Costco, so of course we went for a family trip. And when you get to Costco, with kids anyway, you need to be prepped with electronic devices to silence them for the first time that day, and also you need treats. At least this time we did.
Guess who held that churro most of the time? Nope, it wasn't little {C}. I held it. And nibbled on 75% of it as well. *Boys, close your eyes* I would really like to chalk up the lack of control I've had this week to being in the middle of my cycle *gasp!* But I have just really gone crazy with the eating what I want as soon as Brandon gets home, because I finally am able to sit down for 1 minute without being pestered, and my brain thinks "Go! Eat now! Shove it all in your mouth before the demons/angels come back!"
Feeling a little discouraged right now. Probably I should re-evaluate my time management sheet. Because it will only get worse. I was really thinking about going to the gym at 9:00 to run 5 miles and "punish" myself for my lack of control. Just frustrated, discouraged, and annoyed that my children yell/scream/ignore 10x more than they listen to/obey me....
But little {C} has such cute, chubby cheeks. That's a happy thought for me to end on.
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