Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Day 13: Dirty 30--Round 2

I'm sorry.  I tried to pay better attention, and I still don't know why this workout is any "dirtier" than the rest of them.  Maybe they just called it that because they couldn't think of a better name for it?

But I digress.  Today I did alright with the workout.  My knee hasn't been bugging me the last few days, maybe even a week, but after my side lunges it started aching again.  I really don't understand it.  I'm pretty sure my form is correct, and I'm not sinking super deep into the bend, so why does my knee hate me so?!

Also, my wrist started bugging me again, so for a couple of the exercises, I down-graded from my 8's to my 5's, and then the next go round I still needed to go down to my 2 lb weights.  Maybe for Christmas I should ask Santa for 3 or 4 lb weights...hmmm.

Here are the pictures to prove that SOMETHING happened in the way of working out.  You'll just have to take my word that I did the entire 30 minutes ;-)

I may need to invest in a photographer a little older than 6.  Or a camera with a timer....

Here, Miss {E} is showing us her balancing tricks...

...and the obligatory group selfie :-)

Don't be fooled; we really are this cheesy.

I did pretty good on food today, but when I got home from work at 8:30 I was a little bit hungry and I may have finished half of Brandon's steak burrito from Chipotle.  MAY HAVE.  And I apologize for this post not being as peppy and excitingly written as my others.  I know that a 4 hour shift is not that long to work, but when it's at a daycare, and it's MY CHILDREN that are misbehaving for most of the shift, it makes for an annoyed, tired, perturbed, exhausted Brooke.  And it didn't help that I was hungry.  So now I will conclude and sit and veg on my couch.  Maybe I will read.  Maybe I will tell Brandon to stop playing Destiny so I can watch "How I Met Your Mother" on Netflix.  Or maybe I should have a healthy snack and go to bed.  Lots of good options there.

Goodnight world!

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