Friday, October 3, 2014

Day 10: Lower Fix--Round 2

Today was Lower Fix again!  I gave it my all, and I feel like I did pretty good.  I'm pretty sure I've complained about my right knee here.  The last week it hasn't been as stiff, and it held up pretty well during the squats and lunges.  I even dared to go deeper into the movements.  Maybe that's another effect of the Shakeology kicking in. I also discovered something:  if I look UP at a spot on the wall, I have better form than when I'm looking at my legs, trying to make sure I have the right form.  Works for me :-)  I used my 8 lb weights the whole time, and I felt pretty good about that :-)  Here's the priceless moments {E} caught of the workout ;-)

We only got pictures of the floor exercises today :-)

And we've gotta have a group selfie with my little supporters.  It's a must.

And now for a braggy moment.  But only because I didn't ever think it was possible.  I have ABS.  This first picture is from a couple of weeks ago, and the second is today.

I feel like I tightened a little of my baby belly in the last two weeks. :-D

As far as eating goes, I feel that I did pretty good.  Had smaller meals throughout the day.  Then the girls and I had a girls' night out with one of my bestest friends ever and her little girl.  We played at the park then went to Smashburger, where I did NOT order a burger and fries.  I had a chicken club (and I did eat the bacon) on either a whole wheat or multigrain bun (I don't remember which) with SWEET POTATO fries.  Yes, I know they're still fries, but don't I get a little credit for them being sweet potato?  And not eating them with sauce?  I think yes.  And here are the cuties enjoying the night out.

As you can tell, we are BYU fans around here.  So, I need to go so I can watch the game with Brandon.  It's our "date."  :-D  Have a great weekend everybody!  Let me know what you're up to!

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