I haven't been coaching too long, so I don't have a whole ton of transformations to whip out and be like "Bam!" with, but since I have one to share today, today will be known as "Transformation Tuesday!" Like that?
Intros: This is my friend Ashley from Arizona, and her brother invited her to join the challenge group I run. She joined at the beginning of October, and these are her results since then. She has been drinking Shakeology and doing the 21 Day Fix. This is her story, in her own words:
"I moved up to Rexburg, ID July 29th. When I left home, I had shot up to 231, and definitely felt like I needed to take charge of my life. I started slowly by walking every day. The high altitude was definitely an adjustment, but as I pushed through the toughness, I have adjusted and haven't used an inhaler in 4 months! When I started school in September, I was having blood sugar issues. After going to the doctor, I was given a blood sugar monitor, started on Metformin, and advised to start a regular exercise regimen. I was also diagnosed with severe ADD/ADHD and started on medication. This was a big blow to deal with, but I've had lots of wonderful support from family and friends. In the beginning of October, my brother invited me to join this challenge group! He has been a great motivation for me. Since starting the program, I started walking to school every day, and I started taking the long way home. I was walking anywhere from 4-7 miles a day. Adding in the Shakeology and the exercise programs, I felt even more energy and motivation. I finally felt confident to do measurements and to take photos of my flaws. After 6 weeks, I went back to the doctor on Friday, Dec 5. All my blood levels and labs had completely evened out and I was now in normal ranges! And, my weight was down to 194! I'm so happy and very excited to be seeing myself change and become stronger mentally and physically. I still have lots of room for improvement, but I have so much support from loved ones and friends. This has been a great journey so far, and I look forward to continuing the awesomeness!"

I am so amazed, inspired, and proud of Ashley and her hard work. She is one of the sweetest and happiest people I know. I have always thought of her as a beautiful person, and it is a joy to see her own confidence radiate from her as she's progressing! I love her very much and am thrilled to be a part of her journey :-)
And now for my own accountability. I've been hit and miss with my workouts, unfortunately. I think it's this residual sinus infection, but if I can't catch a workout at the right time of day, my head is throbbing, and it's all I can do to take care of the girls. But today I buckled down and played catch-up on my workouts. So I did this one:
(Upper Focus). And this one:
(Core Cardio). Also, today was special because I did push-ups with my right hand flat on the floor, instead of in a fist. Remember when I sprained my wrist and it only bent this far?
Yeah, massive improvement since then. My wrist is still weak, I wasn't able to do push-ups like that the whole time, but it's making progress and getting stronger, and that's what's important, right?
And to top it off I did this workout as well:
I believe the top position is called an "S" quad hold (according to Shaun T) and the bottom is low pigeon. It felt so good to stretch after the first two workouts!
And today was the last day of my challenge group that started in November, so here are the end of month pictures. Since the start of the group I've netted .8 lbs lost, but since last week where I gained a pound, I've lost 1.8 lbs. So...winning!
And now a story. I have an almost-three-year-old who I call Miss {C}. I love her to death and think she is the cutest girl in the world. Even with those feelings, she still drains the energy out of me when she is tired. She whines and begs, tugs on my clothes, grunts, her word usage drops dramatically and she cries over EVERYTHING. Her "tired" behavior started early today, so I put her in bed and let her cry it out. She slept for an hour and a half, started whining and said she wanted "to carry me", so I picked her up and cuddled with her for a while. She was out again within 2 minutes, and this is how she looked before we had to pick up Miss {E} from school.
I should make her nap everyday, because she was SOOOOOOO MUCH MORE PLEASANT! Couldn't believe it.
Finally, a quick invitation: My partner coach, Tasheena, and I are hosting a "Power Week Preview" from Dec 15-22. If you have been thinking about joining one of my challenge groups, this is a FREE preview to see what it's all about. You don't have to buy Shakeology to join, or purchase a Beachbody workout program. You'll be in the same group with my other challengers who have been using Beachbody products, and you will feel the camaraderie we've fostered, and the support from each of the other challengers! If you want to join for the week, hit me up on Facebook and let me know. This is gonna be awesome!